SADTU held it’s 10th National Congress at Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre in Boksburg between the 25th and 28th September 2024 under the theme, “Mobilising the consciousness and uniting revolutionary professionals in strengthening foundational learning and functional skills, to advance including and sustainable economic growth in pursuance of a socialist society.”
The newly elected SADTU leadership at the 10th National Congress held at Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg are; President Magope Maphila, General Secretary Dr. Mugwena Maluleke, Deputy General Secretary Nkosana Dolopi, Deputy President Mabutho Cele, National Treasurer Lindiwe Motshwane, Vice President Gender Dudu Nkosi, Vice President Nolitha Mboniswa, and Vice President Education Faseega Solomon.
The total number of delegates from nine provinces was 1256 and they were accommodated at Birchwood and Southern Sun Hotels for the from the 24th to the 28th September.
Notably, Minister of Basic Education Siviwe Gwarube was not invited due to her absence at the signing of Bela Act by the President. However, the Deputy Minister Makgabo Reginah Mhaule was invited to give a message of support because she is one of them (she is an ANC MP).
SADTU president Magope Maphila sent a strong message to the minister of Basic Education, outlining “four” commandments:
1. Thou shall implement Bela Act without fail.
2. Thou shall love SADTU with all your heart and mind.
3. Thou shall respect SADTU.
4. Thou shall consult SADTU always.
The Congress featured dignitaries such as Education International members, the president of Southern Africa Teachers Orange ( SATO) Mbongwa Dlamini and General Secretary of the South African Communist Party Solly Mapaila.