A 66-year-old deaf and paralyzed man from Tshehlwaneng village in Limpopo is in dire need of a battery-powered wheelchair. Adam Tolo, who suffered from polio at the age of 8, is currently forced to crawl to move around, often getting muddy and dirty in the process.
His 51-year-old sister, Mashianoke Tolo, is his primary caregiver and is struggling to cope. “He can’t walk, talk, or use both hands. I’m finding it hard to take care of my two children, Surprise and Rememberance, while also caring for my brother,” she said.
Mashianoke is appealing for a new wheelchair, food hampers, clothes, and job opportunities for herself and her daughter, who passed grade 12. She also wishes for her brother to be taken care of at an old age home, allowing her to seek employment.
The family relies on Adam’s disability social grant for survival. Anyone willing to assist can contact Mashianoke.