Charlotte Phoku, a Limpopo woman struggling with mental illness, is still haunted by the day her family’s house was torched by an angry mob. The traumatic event left her and her two children, Thandie (9) and her 3-year-old sibling, homeless and emotionally scarred.
The family’s ordeal was further compounded by the loss of their beloved brother, who was killed in the violence. Charlotte’s brother, Kabelo, was a notorious figure in the community, known for his involvement with the West gang. However, Charlotte urges the community to let his soul rest in peace.
Charlotte recounts the horrific day when the mob confronted her, spraying her with pepper spray in front of her children. The family has been struggling to make ends meet, relying on government social grants to pay rent. However, the monthly stipend is insufficient, leaving them unable to afford basic necessities.
Charlotte is now appealing to the government to expedite the construction of their approved low-cost RDP house. The family has been waiting for a place to call home, but their hopes have been dashed by countless unfulfilled promises.
The Phoku family is in dire need of assistance. They urge anyone willing to help to provide clothes, school uniforms, and blankets. Charlotte emphasides that their right to proper housing and shelter is being violated, and they are tired of empty promises.